感谢 SweetSub 精心制作的字幕。 Thanks to SweetSub for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
温泉屋少掌柜原盘属于质量较好的那一类,线条清晰,纹理细节丰富,整体上覆盖有一层细微的噪点。美中不足的是部分线条边缘有轻微的色度溢出现象。针对这种情况,我们修正了原盘色度溢出的问题,同时进行了非常轻微的去色带和自适应降噪操作,同时配合中高码率的 x265 参数进行压制。 The quality of the original source is relatively good, the image has clear lines, rich texture details and a fine layer of noise. The only artifact is that there is mild chroma bleeding around some lines. We fixed chroma bleeding, applied very mild de-banding and self-adaptive de-noising and used mid-high x265 parameter to encode.