[PPP-Raw] Radio City Fantasy

动漫搬运工 2020-1-15 250

Piyo Piyo Productions presents:

Radio City Fantasy


Project notes:

What we have here is Yellow Submarine, but in anime form. And with an inferior soundtrack, but to be fair, that’s a pretty tough bar to reach. As near as I can tell, the plot is that a young guy, possibly an art student, collides with a girl who is almost certainly an art student and/or artist. They meet later, and I assume, somewhere off-screen, she slips about a dozen tabs of acid into his drink, because shit goes off the rails. And I guess he likes it, because they proceed to have a few more acid trips together.

I enjoy seeing “alternative” works of anime like this. I’ve even subbed some pretty off-kilter stuff back in my pre-digital Lupin Gang Anime days (Twilight Q and Take the X Train), but this one is crazier than those. Its very interesting to see, but is most definately not for everybody.

The laserdisc was very poorly mastered. Like, if you told me this was a VHS master that they just dumped onto a laserdisc, I would totally belive you. We had a case of the jitters, and the entire source was unusually noisy and just not as sharp as it could have been.

But they figured out a whole new level of fuckery to insert into this one: There’s a huge black bar across the entire bottom of the screen for no good reason, and one along the right edge of the screen too. In other words, the frame is the wrong size and is just kinda aligned to the top left. Part of me wants to think it was some sort of artistic decision, condering the nature of this title, but the rest of me doubts that. I have trimmed the excess space out and resized to 640x460 instead of the standard 640x480.

As a bit of seeing how the sausage gets made with regards to my filtering process, you can still see some remnants of all of this derpyness around the 07:15 mark, where another black bar cuts in across the top of the frame. You’ll see it jitter a bit if you concentrate on it: The de-jittering filter I use (“stab”) sorta pushes the jittering out to the edges, and then I trim those edges out (just two pixels), but in this case I couldn’t do that without chopping out a significant portion of the frame of the rest of the show,

The whole thing kinda makes me mad, becuase I know Kitty Video can do better, and I think this is a work that deserves more respect than it was shown. I’ve done my best to compensate, and as always, there’s a straight DVD conversion if anyone else ever wants to try their hand at it.









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